Andrea Sachs, known as Andy, is the main character in the cult comedy The Devil Wears Prada, released in 2006. The film is an adaptation of a novel that tells the story of a young journalist Andy who, after graduation, gets a job as assistant to Miranda Priestly, editor-in-chief of a famous fashion magazine Runway. Andy is not a very fashionable young woman, she knows nothing about fashion and had never heard of the fashion magazine before she came to Miranda's office. As a student, Andy was the editor of the college newspaper and won the University Journalist Award for the articles she wrote, and dreamed of writing articles for the New Yorker newspaper instead. Her job at Runway does not involve any editorial duties, she has to perform thankless and sometimes humiliating tasks and respond to the needs of a tyrannical Miranda who seems to take pleasure in giving imprecise orders. At first, she finds it difficult to follow, but she does not let herself be impressed and takes all of Miranda's disparaging remarks and is very critical of the way she dresses, which she considers to be lacking in style. With Nigel's help, Andy will radically change her dress style while Miranda is abroad. She will then wear haute couture clothes, bags and heels from major brands. She is a new Andy, with more confidence, which impresses Miranda. Working as an assistant is still becoming more and more demanding and exhausting for Andy. She's drifting away from her boyfriend and best friend Lily. Her only satisfactions are the benefits her job gives her, such as getting around in a limousine, wearing clothes from the big names in haute couture for free. At a party, Miranda sacrifices Nigel to save her job by appointing Jacqueline Follet in her place, which disgusts Andy who quits his job. She then finds her ex-boyfriend Nate.On this Pop! figurine, find Andy in his super fashionable look! Fans of the comedy The Devil Wears Prada will be delighted to find this superb representation of the very pretty Andy. Funko represented Andy in the outfit she wears to work after the makeover session with Nigel, the artistic director. You can recognize her new haircut: fringe and straight hair. She is wearing a nice gold necklace, a black fitted jacket with nice gold details to match her collar, which she wears over an off-white top. She wears a beige mini skirt and black knee-length boots. She puts her left hand on her hip and holds her green handbag in her right hand, her posture shows a certain self-confidence. On the face, Funko represented Andy with big eyes and curved eyebrows that give him a very feminine side.
Price History for Funko Pop! Movies: Devil Wears Prada - Andy Sachs, Multicolor
Current Price | $27.50 | 22/10/2024 |
Highest Price | $27.50 | 07/08/2024 |
Lowest Price | $27.50 | 07/08/2024 |
Last price changes
$27.50 | 07/08/2024 |