Leonard Hofstadter is one of the main characters in the series The Big Bang Theory. This series follows the adventures of two physicists living together as roommates. Leonard works as an experimental physicist at Caltech University in California. He is a geek who shares his passion with his friends and colleagues Raj, Howard and Sheldon, who is also his roommate, despite his unbearable character. Leonard is the central character of the series, he is the most "normal" of the gang and he is the link between his friends and the rest of the world. With his geek friends, he is a fan of science fiction, comics and video games. All four of them don't hesitate to dress up as Star Trek or DC comics when they go to conventions or other events.In this special Pop! Star Trek collection, Funko has represented the four scientists with each one a t-shirt color. Leonard then wears the yellow uniform representing the command in the series, with gold stripes on the sleeves. He is decorated with the Enterprise symbol, like the other figures in the collection. He wears black trousers and shoes and holds a pistol in his hand.