Gilfoyle is one of the main characters in the American television series Silicon Valley. In this humorous series, we follow the creation and evolution of an IT start-up in Silicon Valley, founded by Richard Hendriks. We will then discover all the subtleties and difficulties that can meet a very brilliant boss but too naive for this environment. Richard has developed a revolutionary compression algorithm. His application is coveted by two billionaires, one of them offers him to buy the solution for a large sum, the other offers to invest in the company to enable him to create his start-up. Richard decides to create a start-up, Pied Piper. He will therefore recruit several of the computer scientists living with him at Hacker Hostel, a business incubator. Gilfoyle is one of them. He has pompous manners and a cold sense of humor. His friendship with Dinesh, one of the other developers on the Pied Piper team, is focused on competitiveness.As with the other characters, Funko portrayed Gilfoyle with his physical features and his specific style of dress. So we find his usual black jeans worn with boots and a long-sleeved grey t-shirt, worn under a plaid shirt with his black glasses. As for his physical features, we find his brown hair, his goatee.
Price History for Funko Pop! Vinyl: Gilfoyle #434
Current Price | $20.00 | 23/10/2024 |
Highest Price | $20.00 | 23/10/2024 |
Lowest Price | $20.00 | 23/10/2024 |
Last price changes
$20.00 | 23/10/2024 |