Doc is one of the seven dwarves of the cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarves of Disney. The animated film is inspired by the Grimm brothers' tale. In this story, Princess Snow White lives with her mother-in-law but has to flee into the forest. Indeed, the very narcissistic Queen has ordered her death when her magic mirror reveals to her that the most beautiful of the kingdom is Princess Snow White. In her flight, Snow White takes refuge in a small thatched cottage with seven small beds. After tidying and cleaning the whole little house, she falls down from fatigue and lies down on three beds.This house is in fact inhabited by the seven dwarves who have left to work in the mine. When the clock strikes five o'clock, the dwarves go home singing and whistling. When they arrive home, they find the young Snow White lying in their beds. Awakened by the noise, Snow White discovers that the inhabitants are in fact dwarves and has fun guessing everyone's first name. She begins by guessing Prof, very happy and flattered.Physically, Doc is quite chubby, he has a short white beard. He is the only dwarf who wears glasses and is the leader of the whole gang. He is quite calm and wise, that's why he is listened to by everyone, except maybe Grumpy who does not accept his position. He is partially bald like some dwarves, he has brown eyes, a red nose and looks a bit like Happy.On this Pop! figure Funko represented the leader of the dwarf group. You can recognize the outfit he wears in the cartoon: a red/orange uniform with yellow buttons and a black belt with gold buckles matching the buttons. He is also wearing brown pants and shoes of the same color. Funko represents the character with the physical features that characterize him like his rather round face, his big red nose and his smile. We can also recognize his round glasses without circles that give him an intelligent and composed look. His eyebrows give him a happy look that reminds us of Joyful. He puts his left hand on his hip and he seems to count with his fingers on the other hand. Finally, let's not forget his beard and his brown hat that matches his shoes.