Willow Rosenberg is one of the main characters in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer series. Buffy, a young high school student from Sunnydale, learns that she is the last in a line of female warriors with superhuman strength, agility and accelerated healing whose destiny is to fight the forces of evil. She is surrounded by her watcher Giles, the librarian and two of her best friends she met in high school who form the Scooby Gang, which includes the very serious and shy Willow. In season 3, Cordelia's heart breaks because of Xander's infidelity. She then makes a wish that Buffy never came to Sunnydale to Anya the vengeful demon who grants her. Then the world becomes a nightmare where vampires have taken over the Californian city. In that world, Willow was killed and turned into a vampire. She becomes one of the most powerful vampires, just like her lover Xander.In this figurine, Funko represents Willow as a vampire with a look far from the very wise style of the classic figurine. She wears a black skirt and a leather corset with a red blouse.