Hideyoshi Nagachika also nicknamed Hide is the human best friend of Ken Kaneki, the main character of the anime series and the manga Tokyo Ghoul. Like Ken, he is a first year student at Kamii University, but he is studying English language. In addition to his studies, he worked for the CCG as an assistant and eventually became a field assistant to Kotaro Amon and Akira Mado, two talented CCG inspectors.Hideyoshi unlike Ken who is a very shy and reserved boy, is a very jovial and smiling person, getting along with everyone. He is always very optimistic and positive trying to do everything to make Kaneki face his shyness and open up a little more to others. He is seen in the first episode of the anime series with Ken sitting around a table in the Antique cafe. While placing his order, Hide will try to flirt with the waitress Touka, but the girl surprised and intimidated by the young man will leave. Hideyoshi is also a very intelligent, quick-witted young boy who pays attention to everything around him. He easily understood that Ken had become a ghoul by the physical and psychological change of his friend.Through this POP figure, Funko describes Hide as Ken Kaneki's only and best friend. He is a young student with a rather ordinary look and an athletic physique. He has short, blond and spiky hair. Hide is always dressed in very colorful and casual clothes. On this POP he is wearing a black jacket with yellow sleeves, green pants and yellow shoes. As a music fan, Hide is always accompanied by his orange headphones that he keeps around his neck.
Price History for Funko Pop! Vinyl: Tokyo Ghoul - Hideyoshi #467
Current Price £14.60 14/09/2024 Highest Price £19.12 08/09/2024 Lowest Price £14.60 14/09/2024 Last price changes
£14.60 14/09/2024 £19.12 08/09/2024