Belle is one of the two main characters in Disney's animated film, Beauty and the Beast. It is a film inspired by an eponymous tale from the 18th century. This tale tells the story of a young woman, Belle, who goes to a prince's castle to free her father Maurice who has been imprisoned by the Beast. At the beginning of the story, on a winter evening, a beggar woman comes to the castle to ask the young prince for hospitality in exchange for a rose. The prince sneered and then chased away this old woman with a miserable appearance. The old woman explained to the prince that true beauty comes from the heart, but the prince pushed her away a second time. Then the old woman turned into an enchanting creator and put a curse on the prince. She turned him into a hideous monster, cast a spell on the castle and all the inhabitants by turning them into various objects.To lift the curse, the Beast must learn to love and be loved in return before the last petal of the magical flower of the enchanted creature falls. One day, Belle arrives at the castle and offers to become a servant in exchange for the freedom of her father, captured by the Beast.Belle is a beautiful and intelligent young woman, who lives with her father Maurice in a charming and quiet village. She dreams of adventures and great love and is often found immersed in books. When she arrives at the castle, the beginnings are difficult with the Beast, but they find common ground in reading, and gradually Belle falls in love with the Beast.For this exclusive figurine, Funko represents Belle in her custom-made outfit created for her by the housekeeper transformed into a wardrobe. The created dress is rather loaded, her very wide skirt is purple with many accessories such as big pink bows, golden bangs and ribbons put on top of the skirt. Belle is covered with pink fabric, several small bows, small flowers. At the level of the head, we find her brown hair styled backwards. Her posture is full of grace, with her hands above the skirt. A lovely figurine to have in his collection!
Price History for Funko - Disney's Beauty And The Beast-Belle Grandrobe Outfit Figurine, Multicolor, 12798