A-Train, whose real name is Reggie Franklin, is one of the main characters of the series The Boys broadcast on Amazon Prime Video. He is a speeder who was part of the Teenage Kix team, and is a returning member of the Seven. He was inadvertently killed by Robin Ward (Hughie Campbell's girlfriend) with his powers while under the influence of Compound V, an event that led to Hughie joining the Boys...A-Train was kicked out of the Seven, but was asked to join them, and is currently "the fastest man alive". Underneath the cavalier appearance of a famous superhero lies the soul of a deadly athlete, with a deep insecurity about staying on top. He'll do anything to stay in the club of seven, because he knows it's only a matter of time before a younger, faster challenger takes his place - and that's a problem even the fastest man in the world can't overcome.A-Train has a very efficient and incredibly fast metabolism. When he trains, he has to consume 3,000 calories per hour to maintain his energy without passing out. He is self-centered and is more interested in fame, fortune and publicity than in helping others. In fact, he shows a remarkable lack of empathy, perhaps even some sociopathy!In his first appearance, he was extremely careless: he killed Robin Ward while crossing her, even though it was an accident... Moreover, throughout the series, there are hints that he has caused such incidents before. Not only does he show no remorse for what should have been a traumatic accident, but he shows incredible insensitivity when he later jokes about this incident with another "supe," mocking Robin's death. Although he personally apologized to Hughie for killing Robin, he only did so because he was coerced into it by Vought as a concession to Hughie Campbell, who would not sign Vought's non-disclosure agreement unless A-Train apologized. A-Train's indifference to the incident is further underscored by his inability to recognize Hughie, even after being shown a picture of him or when he met him outside Popclaw's apartment.In A-Train POP figure, his entire personality of the character from The Boys comes through. Indeed, all the elements that characterize him are there: badass sunglasses, superhero outfit, his concentrated air, sure of himself and ready to fight if he has to, even without reason, everything is there! A-Train is one of the few moving figures in the Funko POP The Boys collection, to illustrate his position as a superhero and obviously his temperament as a man in a hurry. A particularly successful wink that will please the fans of the series, even those who love to hate A-Train...