Ashley Too is a character who appears in the episode "Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too" of the series Black Mirror. The episode follows Ashley O, a pop singer whose creativity is limited by her management team, and Rachel and Jack Goggins, teenage sisters who recently lost their mother...The Ashley Too doll, which Rachel possesses, is a clone of Ashley O's personality. Brooker based the episode on a sitcom script he wrote years earlier, about a punk band that hangs itself and comes back to life only to discover that their manager is profiting from their deaths. The episode also draws on holographic performances by deceased artists.Rachel Goggins and her older sister Jack live with their father Kevin after their mother dies. Kevin is working on a human alternative to the mousetrap. For her fifteenth birthday, Rachel receives Ashley Too, an artificial intelligence (AI) robot doll representing her favorite pop star Ashley O. Much to Jack's chagrin. Rachel treats the doll like a friend - she encourages her to dance to Ashley O's song "On a Roll" at a school talent show, but Rachel leaves the stage embarrassed after sliding off a stool. Afterward, Jack hides Ashley Too and tells his sister that she threw her away.Meanwhile, Ashley O is dissatisfied with her controlling aunt and manager Catherine. After discovering that Ashley O is writing less upbeat music and not taking the medication she was given to calm her down, Catherine adds drugs to her dinner to make her comatose. The media reports that the coma was caused by a shellfish allergy. Jack returns Ashley Too to Rachel, who chooses not to use her. Six months later, the doll is reactivated by a news report on Ashley O's coma and malfunctions.The Ashley Too POP figure is true to the doll in Black Mirror: she looks like a ghost. She doesn't seem to have a soul, she perfectly reflects what Ashley is, a puppet in the service of an industry that consumes her little by little and poisons her. She can't do anything, she is imprisoned, but the anger is rising in her and this is perfectly seen by the expression of her face on the Ashley Too figurine.Note: this POP is available in a Chase version where we discover Ashley Too villain, in an anarchist version. You have a 1 in 6 chance of getting it, good luck!
Historial de precios para Funko Pop! TV: Black Mirror - Ashley Too (Styles May Vary)
Precio actual $9,00 07/11/2024 Precio más alto $9,00 14/08/2024 Precio más bajo $9,00 14/08/2024 Últimos cambios de precio
$9,00 14/08/2024