Naruto Uzumaki is the protagonist of the manga and animation series Naruto & Naruto Shippuden.Naruto is a young ninja from the hidden village of Konoha. He is part of Team 7 led by Kakashi Hatake and composed of Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiwa.This young ninja has not been lucky his life, indeed from his birth a nine-tailed fox demon named Kyuubi has been sealed inside him. This demon is known for its monstrous power and also for its attack on Konoha destroying almost the whole village.The villagers of Konoha will see through young Naruto, Kyuubi, the monster that traumatized them.Naruto, not understanding this hatred towards him, did everything he could to make himself more visible, deteriorating public spaces and inventing crazy techniques.That's why, on this POP figurine, Funko shows us one of Naruto's favourite techniques, one of his first techniques, even better known than the Multicloning or the Rasengan: The Sexy-Méta, a variant of the Metamorphosis transforming the user into a woman adopting a sensual position, undressed and surrounded by smoke hiding intimate places.This technique is used to fake or distract men and with each use, it causes a huge nosebleed to its victim, sometimes resulting in fainting.
Historial de precios para Naruto: Shippuden - Naruto Sexy Jutsu Pop! Vinyl Figure "New"
Precio actual $9,80 03/05/2024 Precio más alto $9,80 03/05/2024 Precio más bajo $9,80 03/05/2024 Últimos cambios de precio
$9,80 03/05/2024