Ken Kaneki is the main protagonist of the manga and anime series Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul:re. He is a young student passionate about literature who studies Japanese Literature at Kamii University. He lived a peaceful life of young student until one day he is attacked by a ghoul. The ghoul pierces his abdomen and hits his vital organs. Fortunately for him, metal beams fall on the ghoul and kill it instantly. Ken, is then brought in a critical state to the hospital in which the doctors decide to transplant the ghoul's organs to save him.A few days after the operation, Ken realizes that he has become a half ghoul. He doesn't accept this immediately, forcing himself to eat human food and then vomiting it. For Ken, the fact of becoming a ghoul and thus having to eat humans was inconceivable, he who was a discreet and shy boy wanting the good of all the people who surround him. Afterwards, he will meet Touka Kirishima, a ghoul with whom he will work in a café managed by ghouls: The Antique, where he will learn to live and eat as a ghoul without killing anyone.As for Ken's physical abilities as a ghoul, he is naturally stronger than a normal ghoul. Indeed, he is both ghoul and human which gives him much more powerful abilities. Ken is endowed with superhuman strength, extraordinary speed that doesn't let his enemies follow his movements when he fights, as well as an immense resistance to pain, he is able to twist and break his limbs to escape his enemies. In addition to these physical skills, Ken can also use his kagunes as a weapon to attack or defend himself. These kagunes are powerful red tentacles that come from his back.On this POP figure, Funko presents the main character of the manga and the Japanese anime series Tokyo Ghoul, Ken Kaneki. We can see Ken with half-long white hair and his famous leather ghoul mask that hides his human eye. On this mask we can also see a sly smile closed by a zipper at the level of the teeth, giving him an even more terrifying look. Kaneki is dressed in a black jacket and shorts. His four kagunes are out showing that he is ready to attack. Ken also cracks his fingers on this POP meaning that he is about to get serious. This tic comes from his former opponent, the famous ghoul of the 13th district, Jason. This POP is special, it is made of silver chrome, giving this figure a more aesthetic and shiny look, which will please all collectors of the Tokyo Ghoul saga POP.
Historial de precios para Funko Pop! Tokyo Ghoul Ken Kaneki Silver Chrome Funimation 25th Anniversary Exclusive