Richard is the main character on the geek show Silicon Valley. This humorous series tells the story of four programmers who are trying to break into Silicon Valley with their start-up project in new technologies. The series describes the adventures of this start-up, from its creation through the many obstacles that will stand in the way of founder Richard. The latter is very smart but does not manage stress well and decision making is not his forte.Richard initially works at Hooli and lives at Erlich. He creates a revolutionary compression algorithm that will be coveted by two billionaires, including his boss at Hooli who offers him a huge sum to buy the application. He decided to create a real start-up and started working with the other computer scientists who lived with him to found Pied Piper, the name given to his compression application.In this Funko Pop figure, Richard wears one of his famous green t-shirts with the Pied Piper logo and his hoodie. You can also recognize his blond curls.
Historial de precios para Funko Pop! Vinyl: Silicon Valley - Richard Hendriks #431 Loose OOB