Batman, hero of the DC Comics universe hides the identity of Bruce Wayne, a young billionaire and heir to the Wayne empire. Shocked by the murder of his parents, Bruce has made fighting crime his mission. In Gotham, a city plagued by crime at the hands of the mafia and where the police is almost entirely corrupt, the vigilante is served and must face many enemies with very different motivations.While most DC heroes have super powers, Batman is just an "ordinary" man. He has become a hero through combat training and resilience in his mission. Of course, Bruce Wayne uses all the means at his disposal, including his fortune, to create with the latest technology and weaponry to match his mission. This status of "mere mortal" gives him a special place in the league of vigilantes where he is finally the closest to men and their vices, unlike Superman or Wonder Woman...From Batman's Comic #219 where Gotham's crime gives way to a Christmas fairy tale and the vigilante can give way to magic for a few minutes as he celebrates the holidays with the Gotham City Police. Surprisingly, no crime will be reported that night!The Batman POP from this episode depicts the superhero in an outfit sprinkled with snowflakes, including his mask and cape. His outfit is in a more magical colour, adapted to the winter season: bluish tones, transparent and luminous.Batman is perfectly recognizable on this new figurine, wearing his vigilante's outfit: the mask with pointed ears, the cape, and the bat logo clearly visible on his chest.
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