Birds of Prey recounts the adventures of four young women gathered around Harley Quinn, the Joker's girlfriend. More precisely, the ex-girlfriend at the moment the plot of the film unfolds since the two characters have just broken up...It is with a broken heart, still desperately in love with the Joker, that Harley Quinn tries to survive in a very violent world. Captured by Roman Sionis, known as the Black Mask, she agrees to carry out a mission to escape death: to find the diamond that Sionis has been robbed of.This mission involves Harley Quinn in a fight against Zionis for which she will find allies with very different motivations. There is Detective Renée Montoya who wants to bring down the criminal, Black Canary who wants to escape from the clutches of the mafia, and Huntress who wants more than anything to avenge the murder of his family! This exceptional quartet forms an explosive cocktail that will make one of the greatest criminals in the DC Universe look good!For this Harley Quinn POP, Funko takes the young woman back to the battle of Boobytrap where the Birds of Prey quartet will face the army sent by Sionis. Each woman chooses the weapons of her choice and Harley Quinn of course chooses weapons in her image: a fairground hammer to knock out her assailants!On the POP, Harley Quinn wears yellow overalls, a flashy pink tank top and rollerblades at her feet to move with agility. We recognize the physique of the tattooed young woman, with blond hair and two thick pink and blue comforters.Funko pushed the detail to the point of representing the wounds on the young woman's face near her left eye.
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