Eren Jaeger is the main character of the famous Japanese anime series and manga Attack of the Titans or Shingeki no Kyojin in Japanese, written and drawn by Hajime Isayama. Eren lived peacefully in the Shiganshina district, with his family composed of his mother, his father and his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman. He often went to play with Mikasa and his friend Armin Arlelt, a boy of the same age. Until the day in 845 when, at the age of 10, his town was attacked by the Titans, the enemies of humanity. Unfortunately, it is during this same incident that his mother is devoured before his eyes by a titan. Traumatized by this scene, Eren will only desire one thing more, the eradication of the titans in order to avenge his mother and to find his freedom.A few years after this terrible tragedy in 847, Eren, Mikasa and Armin decide all three to join the army, more precisely in the 104th training brigade. They will graduate after 3 years of intensive training. Two of them are ranked in the top 10 soldiers: Mikasa first of the brigade, excelling in all fields and Eren fifth thanks to his perseverance. Eren, like his two friends, chooses the famous Exploration Battalion, a courageous battalion that ventures beyond the walls with the objective of discovering the secret of the titans, with the wings of freedom as its coat of arms, an objective that corresponds well to the mentality of our hero. Indeed, since his childhood, Eren wonders about the outside world, wondering why the rest of humanity remains cloistered like cattle between walls. He is an extremely determined boy, ready to do anything to achieve his goals and protect his friends, even if it means making huge sacrifices.One day, Eren and his friends undergo a second attack of the titans and the young boy close to death transforms himself into a titan and eliminates all his enemies on his way, a feat for a person who hates them so much. It was hard to understand and to admit it for Eren, but he will make of this power a strength, by learning to master this power, he knows that he will be able to achieve his goal. His titan gives him an incredible strength that can destroy his fellow creatures with a single punch as well as a great capacity of regeneration allowing him to be very enduring during his fights.On this POP figure, Funko presents us Eren in his titanic form. This figure is very faithful to what we can see in the anime series and in the manga. Indeed, we see the titan with long black hair, a huge jaw exposing all his teeth, as well as elongated and pointed ears. It is a POP that scares and impresses by the detail of its titanic musculature but also by its posture with its clenched fists, ready to kill all the titans around him.
Historial de precios para FLAWED Box Funko Pop Attack on Titan - Attack Titan (Eren Yeagar) Figure
Precio actual $60,00 09/06/2024 Precio más alto $60,00 09/06/2024 Precio más bajo $60,00 09/06/2024 Últimos cambios de precio
$60,00 09/06/2024