Batman a.k.a. Bruce Wayne is the DC superhero who fights crime in Gotham City, which is plagued by drug trafficking and corruption. The vigilante returns, played by Robert Pattinson, in the movie The Batman directed by Matt Reeves.The story of The Batman takes place two years (only) after Bruce Wayne first donned the Batman costume. It is a "young" superhero that we discover, with a motivation still intact and a sense of honor still very sharp. But also a vigilante more determined than ever and therefore sometimes more violent...In The Batman, Bruce Wayne is opposed to the Riddler, the enigmatic serial killer who attacks the corrupt elites of the city and whose project seems to be to revive Gotham after having exterminated all those who lie and steal from the citizens. Attacking the outgoing mayor, the district attorney, the police chief and even the local mafia boss, Riddler also goes after Bruce Wayne, convinced that he must pay for the sins of his father.Batman's investigation to unmask and arrest the Riddler will be very long although he can rely on his allies like Inspector Gordon or Selena Kyle aka Catwoman whom he will meet while going to the Penguin's nightclub where all the criminals and corrupts of Gotham go!For this new POP of Batman, taken from the movie The Batman, we discover the Gotham vigilante in his superhero outfit: a gray and black armored suit, his bat mask, the logo (which is also a sharp weapon) on his chest and of course his cape.The Batman costume is also in the spotlight on this new figure since it is in a wing suit, which means that Batman is gliding between the skyscrapers of Gotham City. This POP of Batman is certainly taken from the scene where the vigilante escapes from the police station through the roofs.The figure is very faithful to the character as we discover him in The Batman with the seams on the mask, the imposing shoes and of course the many gadgets that make up his suit, like the "wing suit" mode of his cape as perfectly represented by Funko.
Historial de precios para Funko Pop! Vinyl: DC Comics - Batman - Funko Web (FW) (Exclusive) #1196