By day, Bruce Wayne is a young billionaire who inherited his parents' fortune, by night he is Batman the vigilante of Gotham, or rather "revenge" in the movie The Batman directed by Matt Reeves and released in 2022.The plot of the film takes place two years after Bruce Wayne first donned the Batman costume. The story begins on Halloween night when the whole city is alive with a terrifying atmosphere, the outgoing Mayor Mitchell is murdered. His killer, the Riddler, has left a map for Batman's attention, leading him on a wild goose chase...Convinced that Batman understands and shares his vision of cleaning up the city, the Riddler continues his mission and pushes the Gotham vigilante to the limit, forcing him to confront the Gotham underworld in an attempt to solve the riddles left by the Riddler. It's in this environment that Batman will cross paths with Catwoman, but also with the man who has a hand in the city's drug trade: the Penguin.For this new POP of Bruce Wayne, Funko offers us to discover the young man in his superhero costume, but with his face uncovered. A perfect mix and a POP that is very faithful to the character and the spirit of the movie The Batman. Indeed, it allows to have both Batman in his costume, but also Bruce Wayne under the features of Robert Pattinson who plays him in The Batman.The Bruce Wayne POP figure seems to be taken from a scene in the movie where Batman comes back from one of his many night missions. Still wearing his armored suit, he has just removed the mask hiding his face. We discover a young man with hair dirtied by sweat and eyes blackened by the makeup used to hide them a little more. We imagine that the vigilante is also about to remove his contact lenses allowing him to record all the events in order to analyze a little more all the clues found in his investigation.
Historial de precios para Funko Po DC Comics Bruce Wayne The Batman Unmasked 1194 Pop In A Box Exclusive