Mitsuki is a synthetic human created by Orochimaru, one of the three legendary Sannin of Konoha. He is a Genin-ranked shinobi from the hidden village of Konoha. He is a member of Team 7 led by Sarutobi Konohamaru, composed of Uzumaki Boruto and Uchiwa Sarada.He pays special attention to Boruto because for him he is his "Sun" and is willing to do anything to stay with him, we don't really know why.Mitsuki is a very discreet person regarding his origins, indeed his closest companions do not know who his parents are, where he comes from.This young ninja is quick-witted and very calm by nature, he is the one who calms the different altercations between Sarada and Boruto. Indeed, Mitsuki cares a lot about his companions, not hesitating to put his life in danger to protect them.From the point of view of his skills as a shinobi, Mitsuki is an exceptionally talented ninja for his age, qualified by his father as a genetically perfect shinobi. He has a large reserve of chakra, he is able to summon snakes, to use two different natures of chakra: Raiton and Futon, which is extraordinary for a ninja of his age and rank. In addition, his body has special abilities, similar to a snake, he is able to stretch and deform his arms as he wants and is specialized in body grabbing and strangulation.Finally, it has a secret ability: its transformation into hermit mode, an art that only a few exceptional ninjas know how to master. This ability makes him grow a horn on his forehead and gives him a coat of chakra around him that he can wield as he pleases. This mode, which he activates easily, gives him incredible power and speed.In this POP action figure, Funko represents Mitsuki the son of Orochimaru and one of the members of the team 7 led by Konohamaru. We see Mitsuki wearing a kind of grey ninja armor with a sweater, pants and black sandals. He is in hermit mode, his hair is white with green tips and raised backwards, he has a horn on his forehead and a green mark on his tip also surrounding his yellow eyes, giving him a threatening look.It is also observed that he has blue chakra snakes around him, which he can handle easily, allowing him to make long-range attacks. Finally, it is important to note that it is a very original figurine that Funko offers us, indeed this figurine shines in the night, giving him a much more "badass" effect in Mitsuki's hermit mode.
Historial de precios para 5179803 Merchandising Boruto: Funko Pop! Animation - Mitsuki (Glow In The Dark)