Baptiste, full name Jean-Baptiste Augustin is a character from Overwatch who is a first aider by profession. Aged 36, he is originally from Haiti and has found his way by helping others, especially by rescuing war victims.Baptiste's past explains why he is so committed to helping others. Baptiste is one of the millions of orphans left behind by the omnium crisis, he experienced poverty and lack of family.Baptiste soon joins a military coalition as a rescue worker before joining the Claw, a terrorist organization. If Baptiste knows easy money at that moment, his values quickly catch up with him and he can no longer bear the actions and excesses of the Claw. He then takes the decision to leave this organization unilaterally. The Claw then sends killers after him to eliminate him, they will never resurface...In terms of play, Baptiste is a "support" character, which obviously corresponds to his personality and values. He is as capable of healing his teammates as he is of attacking his enemies, making him a very complete character. Among his weapons, he has a bio-launcher that allows him to send projectiles at his enemies but also healing grenades at his teammates!Baptiste's miniature is just like Overwatch's character: a cute Haitian, equipped with impressive armor and weapons. The curly haircut, the little goatee, the pearl earring make it possible to recognize Baptiste at a glance!On the figurine, he wears his dark suit under a blue and orange armor. On the accessories side, the POP is there again complete: the bio-launcher in the hand, the augmented reality goggle on the eye, the orange scarf harnessed to the neck, the gloves and the exotic boots that allow him to make giant leaps.Baptiste stands upright on the POP, his weapon in hand and his stern look as if he was sending a clear message to his opponents warning them of his tenacity?
Historial de precios para Figurine Funko! Pop - Overwatch n°559 - Baptiste (44519)
Precio actual 10,08€ 22/10/2024 Precio más alto 10,08€ 22/10/2024 Precio más bajo 10,08€ 22/10/2024 Últimos cambios de precio
10,08€ 22/10/2024